MMA Fighting Gear


Whether you’re just beginning your boxing or martial arts journey or building a training facility from the ground up, we have the combat sport and MMA training gear you need to reach your goals.

Decide Your MMA Style

Before starting to find the right training gear, it will be vital to decide on the MMA Style that you want to train in. Every MMA discipline may have different gear requirements, therefore consulting with your instructor is the best way to know which gear you should choose following your selected combination.

To Combat The Aggression Of Sport

It is known that mixed martial arts are one of the most aggressive combat sports that involve a wide range of fighting techniques. Combatting the aggression of sport makes it essential for MMA trainees to wear the perfect training gear.

In MMA, fighters throw punches, kicks, and use multiple techniques to make damage to their opponents. If their training wear is not according to their physique or is of low quality, they cannot meet the aggression level that this sport requires.

During the training session, you might not be able to practice your techniques or perform workouts effectively if you do not have the right training gear.

 Affects Performance

If you do not want to lower your performance level during the sparring and actual fights, wear the right fitness training gear. An athlete’s performance depends on how comfortable they are with their apparel while training and fighting. If, unfortunately, you have worn a loose fit or too tight rash guard or spat pants, you may feel uncomfortable, and that can divert your attention, and end up with poor performance.

To stay at the top of your game, pay special attention to the appropriateness of your MMA training gear before wearing them for sparring sessions or fights. Always go for the most suitable size for your body, so you can concentrate on what you are doing without any discomfort.

Comfortable Movement

When you wear ill-fit training gear, you may face issues such as limited movement. Movement limitations in MMA training sessions can cause real trouble when it comes to actual fights. Using the right fit gears not only helps in easy movement but also provides support and stability to various areas of the body.

Both excessively tight and loose training gear makes it hard for trainees to move and practice their techniques and strategies for MMA fights.

 Injury Prevention

While training for MMA, you never want to get injured. The selection of the right training gear has an important role in the occurrence and prevention of possible injuries in mixed martial arts sessions.

If you do not choose the right kind of gloves or mouth guard for sparring sessions, there are chances that you may get injuries. Loose gloves can cause discomfort when throwing punches. It can also harm your fingers and palms. Similarly, inappropriate mouth guards and rash guards can also lead to severe mouth and skin tearing issues.

Therefore, for injury prevention too, you should not be ignoring the appropriateness of your training gear for MMA.

How To Choose The Right MMA Training Gear

Considering the number of online stores specializing in MMA training gear, it is quite difficult to decide what to purchase and what attributes one should look for. The following are some tips that can help you choose the best quality training gear for your martial arts classes and sparring sessions.

Go For Right Sized Clothes

While choosing the apparel and other training gear make sure that they are the right fit for your body. But it does not mean you should choose too tight ones. They must not be ill-fitting or baggy at all. It will make it easy for you to move freely without feeling any discomfort.

Choose Materials With Breathability

In the right selection of training gear for MMA, the quality of the material cannot be ignored. Whatever training gear you are going to choose, make sure they allow your skin to breathe.

Fiber-made materials are a good choice as they do not restrict air circulation. Wearing training gears particularly spats and rash guards made of breathable materials keep your body cool in intense workouts. You can perform your workouts with comfort and also extend the duration.

Durability Matters

During MMA training, your training gears have to face a lot of action. Therefore, you must be investing in gears that are made of durable materials. Don’t hesitate at spending higher prices on high-quality training shirts, protections, and gloves as they will last for a long time. Low-quality items can get damaged in a short time and you will be required to replace them more often.

The Right Gear For The Right Style

It is also essential to choose the right type of gear for the right MMA style. For example, if you are training in boxing, your gear should be suitable for it. Each of the MMA styles requires different types of gear following their intensity. So, before getting into a shop or online store like Elite Sports, consult with your instructor for advice, so you can get the most suitable gear for your MMA style.

Do Not Compromise On Quality For Saving Money

Saving money is a good habit but on the cost of compromising product quality, it is not a good thing. You should not prefer low-quality training gear for the sake of saving money. Go for high quality and then negotiate to the least possible price.

Essential MMA Training Gear

The following are some essential gears that you cannot ignore when it comes to training for MMA effectively without getting any injury.